A neck lift is a procedure which enhances the appearance of the neck by removing excess skin, excess fat, and by tightening the neck skin. It is also known as “platysmaplasty” or “cervicoplasty”, and it is usually performed at the same time with a face lift procedure.

Benefits of Neck Lift

Patents who undertake a neck lift procedure obtain a youthful and more attractive appearance. Neck lift also offers the following benefits:

  • Neck rejuvenation
  • Creation of a sharp neck angle
  • Defining the jaw line for a sexier appearance
  • Reduction of the neck wrinkles and lax skin around the neck
  • Elimination of a double or triple chin
  • Incisions become unnoticeable with time
  • Reduction or elimination of the “turkey neck”
  • Boost of confidence and self-esteem

About The Procedure

The neck lift procedure can take around 2 hours to complete. If it is performed in conjunction with another cosmetic procedure like face lift then the patient might need to stay overnight in the clinic. The surgeon will make small incisions behind the ears or underneath the skin. Loose skin folds around the neck and jaw line will be repositioned and tightened.

The tightened skin will be fixed into place with stitches or tissue glue. Endoscopic or keyhole techniques might be used by the surgeon to reduce scarring. Liposuction can be performed during the neck lift procedure to remove excess fat from the skin and jaw area.

Neck Lift | FAQ

How old should a candidate for neck lift surgery be?

Neck lift candidates should be 18 or older. Neck lift surgery can help younger patients eliminate sagging neck skin after losing vast amounts of weight.

Who might not be a good candidate for neck lift surgery?

The surgeon will determine if this cosmetic procedure is suitable for you. Patients who are heavy smokers or who have chronic or underlying medical conditions might not be suitable for neck lift surgery.

What should I expect after the neck lift surgery?

Minimal scarring of the neck skin should be expected, although it will go away with time. Bruising, soreness, and swelling are normal immediately after the surgery. The surgeon might recommend a special compression bandage to wear for a week postoperatively. Pain relievers might be prescribed by the surgeon to minimize discomfort levels.

When I will be able to get back to work?

Most patients can go back to work within one or two weeks after the neck lift surgery. Physical exercises should be resumed after a month. Strenuous activities should be avoided in the first days after the neck lift surgery.

Achieve the Best Results with Dr. Robert S. Fischer – Your Neck Lift Expert

Dr. Robert S. Fischer is a dedicated cosmetic surgeon who can provide you the best results when it comes to the neck lift cosmetic surgery. He evaluates each patient individually and discusses the concerns you might have in great details. Contact our office today to make an appointment with Dr. Fischer and find out more information about this popular cosmetic procedure.