Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery which consists of repairing the abnormalities of the exterior ear. It is also known as pinnaplasty or eye reshaping surgery. This procedure is usually performed on kids aged 4 to 15 or adults who are not satisfied with the shape of their ears. During otoplasty, the ears might be “pinned” or pulled back against the head to obtain a more pleasing physical appearance.

Benefits of Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) & Split Earlobe Repair

Patients are very satisfied with the results of otoplasty and they immediately experienced a boost in confidence and self-esteem. There are other advantages of this cosmetic procedure such as the following ones:

  • Otoplasty involves minimal scarring
  • Kids will feel less self-conscious after the surgery
  • Ears will become more symmetric and balanced with other facial features
  • Hearing is improved for some patients as a result of otoplasty

About The Procedure

This cosmetic procedure is performed using light sleep anesthesia. If kids are less than 8 years old, general anesthesia is used. The surgeon makes the incisions behind the ear, resulting in minimal scarring. Ears might be rotated back if they are protruding. Natural skin folds might be created if they are missing.

The surgeon might also use tissues from the body or other parts of the ear to reconstruct missing or abnormal ear sections. Injured or thickened ears can be re-sculpted and thinned. Pressure dressing is usually applied postoperatively.

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) & Split Earlobe Repair | FAQ

What should I expect after otoplasty surgery?

The pressure dressing is usually removed 5 to 7 days after the surgery and children should be kept quiet during this timeframe. The pressure dressing should remain dry. When the dressing is removed, a sweat band should be worn by the patient during the night only to ensure ear protection.

Is this cosmetic surgery painful?

Minimal bruising should be expected and it is normal. Ears will be sensitive to exterior pressure for about 3 weeks after the surgery. Mild pain and discomfort might be experienced by the patient. The surgeon might prescribe OTC pain relievers. Swelling usually subsides within 2 weeks postoperatively.

When will the results be visible?

Patients will see the results when the pressure dressing is removed. Touching the dressing should be avoided in the first days after the surgery to minimize infection risks.

Who is not a good candidate for otoplasty?

The surgeon will review the medical history of patients and determine if they are suitable for ear surgery. If you suffer from heart or lung problems, you are a heavy smoker, or you have diabetes then you might not be a good candidate for otoplasty.

Achieve the Best Results with Dr. Robert S. Fischer – Your Ear Surgery & Split Earlobe Repair Expert

Dr. Robert S. Fischer has performed a multitude of procedures pertaining to ear surgery and split earlobe repair over the last decade. Feel free to contact our office today and make an appointment with Dr. Fischer to discuss your concerns and find out more about how this popular cosmetic procedure can meet your aesthetic needs.