Cheek augmentation is a surgical procedure which can change the contour of the face and emphasize the cheeks. This procedure is carried out by a professional surgeon who might use synthetic implants, injectable fillers or transfer of fat in order to fill out sunken cheeks. Many patients choose to combine this cosmetic procedure with other surgeries such as chin augmentation or face lift.

Benefits of Cheek Augmentation

This cosmetic procedure brings many aesthetic benefits to those who try it, including an increase of confidence. Here are the most important benefits of cheek augmentation:

  • Achieve a greater balance of facial features
  • Your face will look younger, softer, and more attractive
  • The results are permanent and totally controllable
  • This procedure can correct facial asymmetries or even congenital defects
  • Wrinkles and other aging signs will be less visible
  • There are little to no post-surgery risks or complications

About The Procedure

The majority of cheek augmentation procedures takes less than 60 minutes to complete, and it can be performed at the same time with other cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty or face lift. At the beginning of the procedure, the face of the patient will be scrubbed with antimicrobial solutions in order to prevent infection. Dr. Fischer will use a local anesthetic to numb the face and a sedative in order to keep the patient relaxed.

The solid implant or injectable fillers are introduced after the anesthesia is administered, following up with the closing of the incisions. Dressings might be applied to protect the cuts and keep the implant in place. After an hour, the sedation will start to wear off and the patient might be given medicine for pain, if necessary.

Cheek Augmentation | FAQ

When can I get back to work after the cheek augmentation procedure?

You will be able to resume normal activities in about 1 or 2 weeks after the surgery. Performing physical exercises can be safe after 3 or more weeks.

When will the results be visible?

The results can be seen immediately, although the implants might appear oversized at first. The final results of this surgery can be seen after 5 to 7 months.

How long do cheek implants last?

The results of a cheek augmentation procedure can last for a lifetime. There are minor risks for the implants to shift if they are harder and well-inserted.

What should I expect after the surgery?

Most patients experience mild pain after cheek augmentation procedure as well as facial numbness which will disappear after 1 to 3 months. Bruising and swelling of the area is also normal and it will go away on its own in the first week after the procedure.

Achieve the Best Results with Dr. Robert S. Fischer – Your Cheek Augmentation Expert

Dr. Robert S. Fischer is a well established cosmetic surgeon who has helped many patients obtain satisfying results when it comes to cheek augmentation. If you are interested in learning more about cheek augmentation and how it can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, contact our office and make an appointment with Dr. Fischer today.